
Saturday, September 4, 2010

From The Desk Of B. Reilly: The Heroes' Latest Practice


Last time we left this program, the release party of The Heroes' latest project, Coming To Save The Game 2.0, was scheduled for August 27th. As you should have heard recently, that party is now finalized for September 18th in midtown Atlanta. This past Monday, The Heroes sans Mister Xavier gathered at a friend's home to practice their new set. Walking into the house, I could already tell that this space would allow everyone more breathing room than Avatar Studios, if you remember. We were introduced to the new guitarist, Nick, one of Dylan's contacts. As the artists got used to the space, a feeling of excitement filled the air because they had been building momentum with their practices, knowing that they are getting better with each moment, creating a chemistry with each other.

Encumbered by the furniture in the room, the artists really couldn't move around to their full potential. Add to that the fact that Nick was a little gun shy in thrashing the guitar at first, and you can see how this practice could have been very inefficient and unproductive. Luckily, the warm-up that they did got most of the jitters out, and we even got to see Norrin on the keyboard playing live for once - a very welcome surprise. The energy in the room was contagious, and it helped that the DJ, drummer and guitarist were more familiar with the music. The performances were more fleshed out as the artists had a better idea of stage presence (although the videos I'm showing might not show it, these were very early in the practice) and timing this time around.

I don't wanna say too much, but any fan of The Heroes! should be excited about their big performance on September 18th at Midtown Tavern in Atlanta. I'm not one to wax poetic about certain moments in life, or make them bigger than they actually are, but while at the practice, there was a feeling that we were creating something special, something that we all think could appeal to a lot of people, and show them that they aren't just another group of rappers that spit over tracks, instead showing them that they are musicians first. I even got so hype at one point that I joined in the vocals! And hopefully, if you've downloaded the mixtape and attend the show, you'll be doing the same. Signing out...

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